Guest Generosity : Another Thing We Are Thankful for at Aqua Expeditions
With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s that time of year to reflect on what we are most thankful for at Aqua Expeditions! At the top of our list: generosity on the part of our guests and staff. One of our priorities at Aqua Expeditions is to give back to local communities in need, and we are very thankful we have the capacity and resources to offer assistance to several of them, in various ways, throughout the year.
Here are two local projects we support in the Peruvian Amazon which harness empathetic hearts and helping hands to give back to our local communities.
Creating A “Colorful” New Look in Nauta
In August, the Aqua Expeditions team took on a new initiative to help town residents in the Port of Nauta to brighten up their neighborhood by painting the exterior of various homes in our signature Aqua Expeditions blue.
Check out the action…
425 pounds of Donations
We are also extremely thankful for our generous guests who are a key part of our support of local villages via making donations. All guests traveling on Aqua Mekong and Aria Amazon have the opportunity to visit local schools and donate school supplies. Additionally, Aqua Expeditions is a proud member of Pack for a Purpose, a global initiative that allows world travelers to make an impact locally by making extra space in their suitcases to bring supplies for schools and medical clinics in need.
In just the past three months, we’ve received 193 kilos (that’s 425 pounds!) in charitable merchandise donations from our passengers. These donations included school supplies, fishing supplies and clothing which were distributed to communities in Puerto Prado, Amazonas, Lisboa, Clavero and Nuevo Horizonte.
A former guest, Ms. Finger, sent school supplies twice to the Amazon and Marañon River communities. Fifty primary school children benefited from this charitable donation and wanted to send their thanks back to her:
Thank you to all of our guests who join with us to help our local communities THRIVE!